Please submit your dues at the time of application. Upon receipt of your dues, your name and jurisdiction will be added to the chapter mailing list. You will receive notification of chapter meetings, minutes of the meetings, and other information that may be sent out. Membership dues for all categories are be paid annually.
Active Member – Any municipal, county, state, or federal employee engaged in the administration and enforcement of building codes, ordinances, and related regulations shall be eligible to become an active member upon payment of dues and in good standing with this chapter.
Associate Members – Any design professional, engineer, architect, contractor, banking institution representative, insurance agent, realtor, private home inspector, or home builders’ association, shall be eligible to become an associate member upon payment of dues and in good standing with this chapter.
Corporate Members – Any research group, manufacturer, retailer, or wholesaler of building material or equipment related to the building industry, or any other individuals with an interest in any construction-related industry, upon payment of membership dues and good standing with this chapter.
Honorary Life Member – Any retired municipal, county, state, or federal employee designated by the Board of Directors as having rendered outstanding service to this Chapter shall be eligible to become an honorary Life Member and shall be exempt from payment of membership dues.